Lens flare! Pointers to avoid it is to turn your lens away from direct bright light. You can tilt or angle your lens. And yes, the moon can give you a lens flare too!
A lot of people ask where to get the best equipment, so here’s my list.
Ghost Stop: https://www.ghoststop.com/?rfsn=5834144.782cbd7&msclkid=03b13981ce9e109fb2d75fd962eeede8
Gary Galka:
Bill Chappel equipment and Apps:
Bill’s equipment can be found on various equipment shops.
Jeff Fent:
If you can’t buy equipment, because trust me, it’s expensive, use your phone. You have a built-in camera, video, and audio. You can also use trusted Apps on it. You have to use pieces you are comfortable with. As far as what I would recommend buying first, you want audio and visual. A good recorder and good camera.
When doing an EVP session, don't forget to mark. If you hear any mundane sound while in session, say whatever makes you remember that it was just the ordinary. This way you won't question during review. We typically just say what it was. If there was a car, we say "car".
Also, mark your moments of question. Was there a sound you want to go back and review that has the potential to be paranormal, put your mark in and what you think you heard. This way you can take extra time at that area of the recording.
Your phones recorder also works great, so don't feel like you need to go out and buy really expensive equipment.
I do however, recommend the recorder from Ghost Stop
GhostStop Ghost Hunting Equipment - Olympus EVP Recorder with USB and LIVE EVP Listening
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